Overhead, Underground

Electricity, where would we be without it?

At the advent of electricity, a basic light bulb would have been the only load in ones house. Even as late as the early 70’s, electronics were still lurking in the background.

Fast forward to current day. Cell phone chargers, head phone chargers, desk top computers, laptop computers, Alexa, Roomba, TV, Apple Box, Roku, you get the point.

Demands for current have increased therefore panel boxes are larger and plugs are more plentiful. Electric services used to be all overhead, but more and more people are opting for underground services.

Either entry method is functional, however underground services are less invasive to the exterior of the home.

Overhead services are subject to high loads due to ice and swinging loads from wind. Any movement of the riser leaves a point of entry for water around the boot at the roof line. Occasionally check riser, especially after high winds and ice storms, to prevent longterm damage.


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