Log Cabin Fever?

Log cabins are, to say the least, cozy and comfortable. However, log structure dwellings are different from stick framed houses.

According to some log home manufacturers, logs can shrink as much as 3/4 inch per log in height. This shrinkage, per log , multiplied by the stack height can be as much as six inches.

Now, I am sure due to kiln drying processes and other precautions that this is not the norm. Some log shrinkage in inevitable.

A recent inspection showed this shrinkage at adjoining walls. The floor system had remained at or near the original height while each log had lost some of its thickness. Walls had been contoured to the rise and fall of the logs leaving a reference of movement. The upper floor resting on logs and supported by a center wall downstairs, which transferred to columns in the basement, had been pulled away from logs and had a definite ridge in the center of the room.

Log houses act and age different from other structures.


Overhead, Underground

